Our Faith Statement
As partners with one another in the education of our children, it is necessary to ensure that we are in agreement regarding our expectations of one another. Therefore, we have set forth the guidelines below to ensure that we are like-minded concerning the following doctrines of our faith and the instruction of our children.
FEC's Position Statement on the Origin of Man
FEC does not take a position concerning the timing of creation. We believe the Bible to be the infallible and inerrant Word of God and that God Himself created the universe and everything in it with intent and purpose.
Our science teachers will present varying viewpoints and will leave interpretive issues concerning the timing of creation to students’ parents and church. We believe that GOD CREATED humans in His image and likeness for His glory. (Genesis 1:26-28)
Our goal at FEC is to encourage our students to think for themselves and ask questions. Therefore, all questions from students with regard to this issue will be addressed with respectful dialog as well as a challenge to each student to continue research and discussion with their parents. We further encourage each family to allow faith, reason, and God’s Word to work together according to his will to form an educated and logical position on the origins of man.
As partners with one another in the education of our children, it is necessary to ensure that we are in agreement regarding our expectations of one another. Therefore, we have set forth the guidelines below to ensure that we are like-minded concerning the following doctrines of our faith and the instruction of our children.
- We believe in one God who is eternally present in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit. (Mark 1:10)
- We believe that God is the creator of the vast universe, and His handiwork is evident in His people and in all of creation. (Genesis 1:1)
- We believe the Bible to be the infallible word of God and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16 and 2 Peter 1:3)
- We believe that all "fall short" of the glory of God and that Jesus Christ is the ONLY way of salvation. We believe that to be a faithful disciple of Christ one must have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ our Savior. (Romans 3:23, John 14:6, and Acts 16:31)
- We believe that human life is sacred from the moment of conception until natural death, and we profess a pro-life worldview. (Psalm 139:19)
- We believe that God has ordained marriage to be between one man and one woman. (Mark 10:7)
FEC's Position Statement on the Origin of Man
FEC does not take a position concerning the timing of creation. We believe the Bible to be the infallible and inerrant Word of God and that God Himself created the universe and everything in it with intent and purpose.
Our science teachers will present varying viewpoints and will leave interpretive issues concerning the timing of creation to students’ parents and church. We believe that GOD CREATED humans in His image and likeness for His glory. (Genesis 1:26-28)
Our goal at FEC is to encourage our students to think for themselves and ask questions. Therefore, all questions from students with regard to this issue will be addressed with respectful dialog as well as a challenge to each student to continue research and discussion with their parents. We further encourage each family to allow faith, reason, and God’s Word to work together according to his will to form an educated and logical position on the origins of man.