Frederick East Classical is a not-for-profit organization as recognized by the Internal Revenue Service. FEC operates to provide classroom instruction to homeschooled students and educational resources to homeschool families. A Board of Directors oversees the vision, mission and goals for the organization and an Executive Director oversees the day-to-day operations.
Board of Directors: 2024-2025
Executive Director: Kelly Wheeler
Curriculum Specialist & Teacher Training: Jenn Gasse
Building Administrator: Renee Denny
Board Chair: Steve Boucher
Treasurer: Bobby McQuin
Department Chairs:
Language Department - Kelly Wheeler
Science Department - Erin Ragheb
History Department - Steve Boucher
Math Department - Carissa Beard
Grammar & Writing - Brandi Lahanas
Enrichment Classes - Kelly Wheeler
Lower Elementary - Kelly Wheeler
Past Board Members:
Annie Averill, Nicole Canning, Renee Denny, Tina Hare, Justin Kelly, Brad Main, Erin McMurry, Sarah Mehrens, Joanna Main
Original founders: Susan Bolger, Cathy Cruzan Susan Bolger, April Danchik, Kim Jernigan